Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Why use LeBRUSH?
What to use it for?
LeBRUSH is an efficient cleaning tool for removing pet and human hair from different types of carpets, rugs, blankets, sheets, upholstery, covers where pet and human hair usually gets embedded, stuck.
Which side to use? How does it work?
Use the wire bristle side of LeBRUSH to remove hair deeply embedded within carpet fibers and fabrics while it also loosens up dust settled at the bottom. Attention: do not use the wire bristle side for thick, knotted (threaded) carpets, or on a surface where the brush could get stuck or jammed in the looped material.
Use the lint side of LeBRUSH for knotted (eg. boucle) carpets, blankets and on surfaces where the wire bristles would get stuck or cause damage. This side can be used on any fabric, textile surface for efficient cleaning.
Using either side of LeBRUSH, the collected hair will always stay on the brush!
Will the carpet be damaged from the wire bristles during use?
No, because depending on the type of carpet/surface to clean, you will select the appropriate side to use, either the wire bristles or for knotted, more sensitive surfaces the red velvet-like side. Test first on the surface, which side works best, and pull in the material’s alignment. Make sure the plastic protected wire bristles are used on surfaces where it doesn’t get stuck in the fabric/loops. Consider the alignment of the fibers for more efficient use – you will feel when LeBRUSH glides easily through the surfaces, this is when use is optimized.
When to use it with a handle, and when with a vacuum?
Up to you and up to you what to clean! If you need to clean several times a day (because your dogs or cats are shedding…) it would be best with the handle (quick, easy use) and just flip to the best side. If the hair is deeply embedded between the fibers, it may be best to use with the vacuum cleaner, attached as a head, as it also collects dust stuck at the bottom. Again, we recommend using the small (1-joint) handle for upholstery.
What is the adaptor for?
The adapter is to help fix the vacuum tube (fits tube diameter 30-37 mm) more firmly with the brush ensuring an even better, more stable performance during use.
Why doesn’t the pet hair get into the vacuum bag? Why does it all stay on the brush?
Because LeBRUSH is designed specifically in a way, to avoid any clotting and damage in the machine. The hair will always stay on either side of the LeBRUSH.
How do I remove hair from LeBRUSH? What is the small enclosed comb for?
The enclosed small comb is to help remove the hair easily from the LeBRUSH, instead of having to use your fingers only. Use the comb to brush out the collected hair from the wire bristle side, and use the flat side (make it a little wet, even easier then) of the comb for the velvet-like side, pulling in the direction of the fibre alignment. Use it if you don’t want to remove the hair from the brush by hand.
Can I use LeBRUSH instead of a vacuum cleaner? No more need to vacuum clean?
LeBRUSH was not designed to replace vacuuming generally, but specifically to collect large amounts of hair before vacuuming more easily as well as the dust loosened up during the collecting hair from the carpets, fabrics. The idea is not to replace vacuum cleaning! The special design of LeBRUSH allows a side-suction of air and dust, whilst the pet hair is collected on the brush itself. It’s another way of cleaning, not a substitute for vacuuming.
What is the small comb for?
The enclosed small comb is to help remove the hair easily from the brush, instead of having to use your fingers. Use the comb to brush out the collected hair from the wire bristle side, and use the flat side (make it a little wet, even easier then) of the comb for the velvet-like side, pulling in the direction of the fiber alignment. Use it if you don’t want to remove the hair from the brush by hand.
Why is the head/junction of LeBRUSH not flexible? Can I clean underneath furniture?
To work best, we tested and found that LeBRUSH needs to be very firm and not flexible so the brush body can fully touch with the surface of the material being cleaned. This is also necessary for use with the vacuum cleaner to ensure maximum performance. If you wish to clean a surface underneath a furniture, please make the area free to access.
Why is the head/junction of LeBRUSH not flexible? Can I clean underneath furniture?
No, LeBRUSH was not designed for such surfaces but specifically for collecting pet or human hair from carpets, rugs, sheets, fabrics and similar materials.